Saturday, December 26, 2009


It's the closing of the year. Another year will pass. 2010 is just a few more days sleep.

In this stage of transition, it augurs well that we reflect on how have we lived our lives for the last 360 days. Have we become wiser? Kinder or more bitter? Stronger or weaker? Bolder or more timid? What went wrong? How do we mend our mistakes? Who should we approach for solutions or answers? What books to read? What choices to make? What places to go to? etc. etc.

Whatever situation or ordeal we have, one thing is quite sure. The past is past. It will never come again. All we can do is learn from it. Regrets, not good. Learnings, yes. In all the past lessons, treasure it we must. Let's move forward.

As I end this blog, let me end it with high hopes. Despite the collapse of the Copenhagen Conference, the world economic crisis, the post 911, the onset of new viruses across the globe, and many other social problesm, we can remain optimistic. Like avatars, we can create a better world. Nay, the best is yet to come.

I wish us all good health, joyful learning and wisdom from above.

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